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September 23rd — 25th | ONLINE
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Are you a trainer, coach, expert, course creator, influencer, business or agency?

Virtual Event Summit is your ticket to creating better products, making more money and helping more businesses. Utilizing a better model for making money online.

Hi, My name is Sam Bakker

And after spending years creating products, building communities and failing over and over again. Today I am super excited to introduce you to a better model of selling online.

I bought product after product and followed exactly what the ‘gurus’ would tell me and I became more and more frustrated as every model they showed me failed.

Maybe you’re experiencing something similar...

Have you been caught up and frustrated by one of these old models?

Old Model #1: Plan, Create & Sell

The traditional model most marketers are taught revoles around first planning your product, building it then selling it.

  • Problem #1: Takes weeks to complete
  • Problem #2: No guarantee prospects will buy
  • Problem #3: Most people never finish the ‘Build’ stage

Old Model #2: Sell, Build & Refine...

First create a marketing message, then you use that message to pre-sell your course to one person. Then work hard, hussle & sleep at your desk... to create the course. Then refine it and improve it over and over.

  • Problem #1: You need to work extremely hard to make this work.
  • Problem #2: You need to split your focus between continuing to sell and product creation
  • Problem #3: No guarantee others will buy your program if you’ve only sold it to one person
  • Problem #4: Product quality suffers

Old Model #3: Community, Create Then Sell

Give away access to a challenge, product or community thats run within Facebook. Then once you’ve built your community, nurture them, communicate with them while you build your product. Then encourage them to buy your product.

  • Problem #1: It takes time to nurture a community
  • Problem #2: You need a team to do this well
  • Problem #3: Free customers won’t provide you with the feedback you need to build a product prospects want to buy
  • Problem #4: This is a lot of work

Don’t punish yourself trying to utilize one of these methods like I did... the fact is that 99% of the products sold today use one of these models as their base.

Popularized by top “Online Experts” and branded as solutions to problems.

These models now do more harm than good.

They might have worked a few years ago but the internet has changed and so has the model that works.

With new technology available to us... let me show you a way to avoid the pitfalls, unnecessary frustration, wasted time and eventual failure that comes with these older models...

...I’m going to share with you a much better way.


Sell tickets to a virtual event months in advance...
Deliver training as a Virtual Event
in the future...
Scale your event and improve your product offering...
This strategy is working better than every other model out there right now.


When someone buys a course from you they EXPECT you to deliver it right away.

When someone joins your community they EXPECT to hear from you frequently.

When someone buys tickets to a Virtual Event they EXPECT to get access to the event at the time in the future you say.

So when you sell tickets to a Virtual Event your customers EXPECT to receive access to that event during the dates that you say they will gain access.

So you can set a date months in advance... sell tickets, then when you’re ready maybe 1 - 2 months before the start time of the event you can start putting things together.

When you use
the new model:

  • Start selling immediately because you can sell from the ‘Idea’ you have without having to create anything first.
  • Make more money because you’re able to dedicate the time you need to sell your training in advance before having to work towards delivering it.
  • Discover what your audience actually wants before you have to create or deliver anything. Your customers will tell you.
  • Build better products because your attendees tell you what they want to learn at your Virtual Event or what they want inside of your product.

“After making the switch to this new model I made $16,435 my first Virtual Event”

Join me as I reveal over 3 days the ONLY training that will show you how you can apply this NEW model to generate thousands of dollars selling tickets, THEN delivering your product as a Virtual Event in the future.

Spend 3 days learning the most effective, easiest and fastest method for kickstarting your business today directly from Sam and his past attendees!

Here is just a taste of what you’ll learn:

  • A 7 step process for creating an idea for a successful product then proving that it will work before selling it.
  • How to create a compelling offer people love to buy tickets to months in advance using a simple blueprint that we’ve pioneered.
  • How to generate traffic from scratch for your Virtual Event even if you have 0 experience online.
  • How to deliver a Virtual Event months into the future that attendees will love!
  • How to scale your Virtual Event into a course, challenge or run an event bigger event next time.
  • And much much more...

Connect with other business owners, entrepreneurs and coaches over 3 days

Over 600+ people made the switch to this new model on our last Virtual Event. Here is a bit about what they had to say
from their 3 day experience.

With sell THEN scale you can take your story and an idea then shows you how to use the book method to Sell it, Deliver it and scale it. It’s the technical why to “just do it”! I think this can be applied to almost anything in life!
Joe Ferdinando
About 1 month back I had no idea about how to to do any of this. I went to a workshop on this framework and now we have more clients coming to us than we can handle. Learn this framework.
Adrienne Obey
Founder — Adrienne Obey HQ
Sell Then Deliver is an incredible framework. It opened my eyes up to whats possible. I love how Sam gives the big picture then showcases exactly what to do and how to do it.
Adrienne Obey
Founder — Adrienne Obey HQ

How to get started

Reserve your ticket below. The price will continue to rise right up until the virtual event begins on the 23rd of September 2022. The event will run over 3 days. Each day will include different talks and a strategy for creating and profiting from your very own virtual event.

on sale now





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Save $471.01
Sale ends in 1 day
Bonus:  3-Week all-access replays, marketplace & directory
  • Identified as an Attendee
  • Company logo on your profile
  • V.E Featured Companies Webpage Listing
  • 2+ days of LIVE in-person coaching, speeches, panels & interviews
  • 10+ topics surrounding virtual events with in-depth training
  • Access live speaker Q&As
  • 1-on-1 networking with 1000+ attendees
  • Customizeable agenda
  • Proven & tested Funnels
  • Downloadable process & resource documents
  • Note taking guide
  • $1000+ In Giveaways
Note: Optional 1-year replay pass available on next step
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Added benefits when
you join Virtual Events Summit:

When you gain access today you’ll receive a notification of your purchase and a ticket to the event.

2 weeks before the event begins you will receive logins to an event lobby. In this event lobby you’ll be able to watch the event stream live. Recordings will be available after the event has finished.

Exclusive ‘Early Attendee’
Ticket Holder Bonus #1:
Proven & tested Funnels

Walkaway with the exact funnels we use to sell from our Virtual Events.

Use our proven, tested sales funnel. Apply it immediately to your business or your clients business to make money utilizing this new model.

Exclusive ‘Early Attendee’
Ticket Holder Bonus #2:
Downloadable process & resource documents

Walkaway with our downloadable processes for running slick, profit-pulling Virtual Events.

Download and printable process sheets that outline the entire strategy and every step. Follow this process sheet and apply each step.

Exclusive ‘Early Attendee’
Ticket Holder Bonus #3:
Note taking guide

Pre-created to make note taking effortless for you.

Join our customized online notebook to fill in notes you learn from each day. You can use this to save ‘takeaways’ and breakthroughs from the event.

Exclusive ‘Early Attendee’
Ticket Holder Bonus #4:
3 Month replay pass

Watch, rewatch whenever it suits you.

You can watch the replays from this event at anytime for 3 months after the event.

Exclusive ‘Early Attendee’
Ticket Holder Bonus #5:
$1000+ In Giveaways

Win prizes throughout the event.

Attendees will automatically go in the draw to win $1000+ in prizes. You qualify immediately when you reserve your ticket.

Don’t get seduced by anyone selling anything using one of the older, tired methods mentioned above. Join a community utilizing new technology to drive change through this new model with the help of Virtual Events. You will not regret this if you act and join us for this 3 day Live Virtual Event. This WORKS and it absolutely will make a difference for you and speed up your journey online.

Reserve the very best price below now

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